Saturday, February 18, 2012

Hollis' Big 3 Bulldog Tailgate!

Today was Hollis' 3rd birthday party. I can not believe my baby boy will be three years old tomorrow. It seems like just yesterday I was bringing him into this world. We had a big bulldog tailgate party and Bully....yes Bully was there! It was suppose to take place outside but mother nature was not on my side this year. Despite the rain we had a fabulous party. We had so many great friends and family there to celebrate with us!

Bully and Hollis!

 This is Camdon and his daddy, Nathan! Mommy couldn't be there because she was at home with baby Landree that was just born on Monday.

Bully with Mommy and Ginnny! Ginny is 9 weeks preggers with baby Hill (I am so excited)!
Here is Munner and Aunt Mar C with Bully the Bulldog!


Scott, Tamara and baby William came all the way from Memphis to celebrate with us!

The food was good!!!!

Uncle Andy and Aunt Bethany

This is Josh's grandfather who just turned 90 years young last month!

The Gift!!!! It is a total chick magnet...check out the cutie in the back!

The Fenstermachers

1 comment:

  1. so sorry I mised it...Kiss Hollis for me..his gret-grandmother, Din-Din
