Saturday, February 18, 2012

Hollis' Big 3 Bulldog Tailgate!

Today was Hollis' 3rd birthday party. I can not believe my baby boy will be three years old tomorrow. It seems like just yesterday I was bringing him into this world. We had a big bulldog tailgate party and Bully....yes Bully was there! It was suppose to take place outside but mother nature was not on my side this year. Despite the rain we had a fabulous party. We had so many great friends and family there to celebrate with us!

Bully and Hollis!

 This is Camdon and his daddy, Nathan! Mommy couldn't be there because she was at home with baby Landree that was just born on Monday.

Bully with Mommy and Ginnny! Ginny is 9 weeks preggers with baby Hill (I am so excited)!
Here is Munner and Aunt Mar C with Bully the Bulldog!


Scott, Tamara and baby William came all the way from Memphis to celebrate with us!

The food was good!!!!

Uncle Andy and Aunt Bethany

This is Josh's grandfather who just turned 90 years young last month!

The Gift!!!! It is a total chick magnet...check out the cutie in the back!

The Fenstermachers

Monday, January 23, 2012

Tea Party

Hollis has had a bad cough all weekend long so I took him to the doctor today. He just has a little cold thank goodness!  We had a good day at home though. Josh and I bought a twist and spin castle for a little girl's birthday party but Hollis could not comprehend that it wasn't for him. I finally gave in to the constant begging and gave it to him.

This is so funny to me. Hollis was having a little tea party with batman, the princess and one of the wise men from his nativity set.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


When Hollis was born my brother gave him the batman cape that my mawmaw made him when he was little. It has been hanging in the closet for almost three years just waiting for Hollis to get old enough to enjoy it. So today was the day that we pulled it out of the closet and it was a big hit......Thanks Uncle Andy! I just wish my mawmaw was still alive to see him.

Monday, January 16, 2012


This weekend Hollis and I had a lazy day. We played with play-doh, ate at McDonalds and played at the park (because I hate playing at Mcdonalds). It was a perfect day and I wish that we had more days like this one.
Here is Hollis making play-doh animals:


To say I have neglected this blog would be an understatement, so here I am ready to try this blog thing again!

To start 2012 off right, Josh and I took a trip to LasVegas! It was really nice to spend time together, alone, with nowhere to be and nothing to worry about, but by the end of the fourth day I was ready to get home to my baby boy. Here are some pictures of our trip:
Here we are at the Las Vegas Sign! It took a $33 cab ride to get here and there were so many people standing in line to get a picture, we had to get our picture and go. There was a couple taking their wedding photos in front of the sign when we got there and it was so stinkin cute!

So this is the famous Pawn Stars pawn shop and it was a total disappointment :( The building is about the size of my living room and the "stars" weren't even there. The people that were working there were RUDE! I would not suggest this to those planning a trip to LasVegas anytime soon.

This was taken at The Wynn Casino before we saw GARTH BROOKS in concert. This has been a life long dream of mine and it was every bit as wonderful as I thought it would be. Josh spent the night reminiscing about singing Garth in his second grade talent show, so needless to say I think he enjoyed himself as well.

Madame Trussaud's Wax Museum was definitely a must see in LasVegas. Josh and I had so much fun getting our pics taken with all of the "movie stars". Robert Pattinson has not been made into a wax figure yet but the cardboard cutout was just as amusing to me.

This is a picture is of the gondola canal in the Venetian where we stayed. I was really amazed because the ceiling looked liked real clouds and it would get dark at night and looked like the night sky.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hollis First Photo Shoot by Katie McCraw

Hollis had his first photo shoot with a wonderful photographer named Katie McCraw. These are a few of my favorites!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hollis 9 Weeks old

This is Hollis Fenstermacher at nine weeks and two days old! He is a little Bulldog fan just like mommy and daddy.